Visit of the temporary exhibition “Military Engineering: A Game!”
With the exhibition Military Engineering, a whole game! From 1602 to 1918”, presented from June 22, 2022 to April 30, 2023, the Musée du génie is daring to present to you the tactical and strategic role of a little-known weapon often eclipsed behind the cavalry and infantry, the main weapons of battle.
This exhibition aims to present in a playful way the historical missions of military engineering via three historical scenes reconstituted with Playmobil figurines: the art of the seat, the crossing, the new military technologies (telegraphy, aerostation and railway). The game becomes the pedagogical support for the military training of young and old.
Discover with us the major role that this secular, scientific and technical weapon had during the various French military engagements. This unique exhibition brings together games and toys for military training alongside objects for educational training in military engineering. Based on the collections of the Engineering Museum, on the holdings of other museums and individuals, the exhibition transcribes the main historical missions of military engineering from 1602, when the king’s engineers were created in 1918.