15, place des Terrasses
- Maine-et-Loire
- Pays de la Loire
Architectural synthesis from the end of the Middle Ages to the end of the Renaissance. Founded by the Count of Anjou Geoffroy Martel in the 11th century, the Château de Durtal was rebuilt from the 15th, and the work continued during the 16th and 17th centuries. The current building makes coexist two towers of the old castle, contemporary of Langeais and of an aesthetic still very medieval (machicoulis, roofs with peppers, gothic dormer, alternate apparatus of schist and limestone) with a building body representative of the different tendencies of the Renaissance: elevation, still very vertical of the south gallery of the court; very orthogonal ordinances of the exterior facades.
Château, hôtel urbain, palais, manoir, Monument historique
By the parking of the Place des Terrasses
DR: château de Durtal