Exhibition: «Les fêtes d'antan à Magnac-Laval, du début du XXème siècle à nos jours.»
Discover various objects and documents related to various popular events that took place in Magnac-Laval from the beginning of the 20th century to the present day: commemorative, inaugural, musical, r
17 i 18 septiembre 2022Passed
©Mairie de Magnac-Laval
Discover various objects and documents related to various popular events that took place in Magnac-Laval from the beginning of the 20th century to the present day: commemorative celebrations, inaugural, musical, religious...
This retrospective on commemorative, inaugural, musical, religious feasts, such as processions, and kermasses, is a way to travel in the history of the municipality.
Organized by the Town Hall of Magnac-Laval.
Contact: e-mail: mairie.magnaclaval@wanadoo.fr / Website: www.magnac-laval.fr