Atelier de Béatrice Bonte-Maubeuge
7 rue Stanislas Lavigne, 64445 Pau
- Pyrénées-Atlantiques
- Nouvelle-Aquitaine
Since October 2017, Béatrice Bonte-Maubeuge sculptor-ornemaniste, works in her studio in Pau. As a sculptor and cabinetmaker, Béatrice alternates between the restoration of old sculptures and furniture, personal creations or on the commission and misappropriation of recovered objects to give them a second life.
Wood is a living material and requires a long process of preparation and stabilization.
Gouges, chisels, clasps, gigadous, planes are all miraculous tools that extend the hand and transform a banal piece of wood into an art object.
The sculptor often starts his search with a sketch or a drawing and continues his work with a modelling rendering the thickness and depth of the motif. Then he attacks the wood taking into account the constraints of this material (veining, density...). Finally, the finish will highlight the character of each wood species.
Édifice d'artisanat, du commerce et du tertiaire
©Béatrice Bonte-Maubeuge