Free visit of the MuséoSeine
MuséoSeine, the Musée de la Seine normande in Caudebec-en-Caux/Rives-en-Seine lets you [re]discover the history of the Lower Seine, its people and its landscapes from antiquity to the present day. Take the bridge and climb on the bridge of the traditional boat the gribane: at the level of the river, the loops of the Seine spread out in front of you and invite you to dream... Then follow the stream and make stopovers in the municipalities bordering the banks. From Quillebeuf-sur-Seine to Jumièges, holographic characters emerge from the past to tell you about their lives in their time. Escape and let yourself be surprised by the Seine of yesterday and today. Admire the impressive phenomenon of the mascaret! Relive the lightness of the 1920s with leisure in the Seine. Discover the techniques of piloting, fishing or the adventurous crossing of this ribbon of water. Explore the present and future of this river totally transformed by its layout. Through an original design, interactive atmospheres and the use of new technologies, MuséoSeine offers you an amazing journey in the heart of the river!