17 i 18 septiembre 2022Passed
Herramientas de registro
Iraila 2022
Larunbata 17
10:00 - 18:00
Igandea 18
14:00 - 18:00
16 to 99 years old

Atelier Le cadratin de Jouy

33 avenue des Tremblays 95280 Jouy-le-Moutier
  • Val-d'Oise
  • Île-de-France

Lithography on stone

Lithography, is a chemical process based on the antagonism of fat and water.
17 i 18 septiembre 2022Passed
Herramientas de registro
Le Cadratin de Jouy


From the Greek lithos "stone" and graphein "write" lithography is a flat printing technique, which makes it possible to reproduce in several copies a text, a drawing drawn in bold pencil or lithographic ink on a limestone with a very fine and very tight grain. Lithography, is a chemical process based on the antagonism of fat and water. Many artists have experimented with this technique: Degas, Renoir, Toulouse-Lautrec, Picasso, Matisse, Miro, Chagall, Dali and many others.

Types d'événement
Atelier / Démonstration / Savoir-faire
Thème 2022
Patrimoine durable
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Conditions de participation

About the location

Atelier Le cadratin de Jouy
33 avenue des Tremblays 95280 Jouy-le-Moutier
  • Val-d'Oise
  • Île-de-France