Lecture: Corot "Who is my Agar"
Who is "Mon Agar"? By Maurice Martin, Honorary Professor of History, Lecturer at the University of Mantois Camille Corot.
Sábado 17 septiembre 2022, 17:30Passed
Maurice Martin
Who is "Mon Agar"? By Maurice Martin, Honorary Professor of History, Lecturer at the University of Mantois Camille Corot. The presence of the painter Camille Corot in our region is linked to his relationship with a married woman whose existence has long been hidden by his family and who is still totally ignored by art historians, despite its highlighting by Rodolphe Walter in his book published in 1997: "Corot à Mantes". But he regretted that there was no known portrait of this woman despite an affair of more than 50 years with the painter. Now, the Louvre Museum has a drawing by Corot, subtitled "Mon Agar" and dated 1830... Who is "Mon Agar"?