LIBER PILOSUS, QUESACO? The Cantilène de Sainte Eulalie reveals (almost) all its secrets
Revelations about the famous Cantilène de Sainte Eulalie, the first poem in French that has reached us and preserved in the Simone Veil de Valenciennes media library.
Sábado 17 septiembre 2022, 14:30Passed
Herramientas de registro© Médiathèque Simone Veil de Valenciennes
Animal skins define the boundary between the history and prehistory of Western Europe. Transformed into parchment, they have become the main support of our knowledge of the pre-modern culture of Western Europe. It was the most used and best preserved writing material in Europe before the fragmentary adoption of paper in the late Middle Ages and early modern era. Both members of the European project Beast to craft, researchers Elodie Lévêque and Alberto Campagnolo studied and analysed the binding of the most famous manuscript preserved in the Simone Veil de Valenciennes media library, the Cantilène de Sainte Eulalie, the first poem in French. Scoop in perspective!