Église Saint-Élophe
Rue de l'église, 88500 Rouvres-en-Xaintois
The current church faces southwest. The building has three naves and five bays. The apse offers five large windows. The stained glass windows are greyish from the Pierre Napoléon Rives workshop, a glass painter in Nancy. The church was consecrated on October 22, 1857 by the bishop of Saint-Dié (Vosges). However, given the funds available, the church is without a bell tower! It will only be built 30 years later. The bells are stored in a shed with an uncertain roof (so these are the bells of the old church). Out of an estimate of 34,650 francs, the municipality is requesting a grant of 10,000 francs from the General Council of the Vosges. The session of August 18, 1885, under the presidency of Jules Ferry himself, was stormy, the estimate seemed too high and the tower too high: 41 m. A sum of only 5,000 francs will be granted.
Around the middle of the 20th century, the church was renovated: interior painting; the rooster, damaged in war 39-45, was replaced; stained glass windows of the

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