Théâtre du Peuple
40 rue du théâtre du peuple, 88540 Bussang
Maurice Pottecher is born on October 19th, 1867 in Bussang within a family of industrialists. After his(its) studies, he(it) settles down in Paris to become man of letters. In 1896, he(it) decides to build, in Bussang, a permanent theatre stage. Today, the Theatre of the People, with its wooden structure, its architecture inspired by chalets or barns, is a place of theatrical creations, of transmission of knowledges and of trainings(formations) by workshops(studios). The currency registered on both(all) sides by the executive(frame) of stage(scene): «By the Art, for the humanity», the same ambition participates: «put theatre within the reach of all, make an entertainment capable of moving closer to the men(people) and of erasing(of ironing out) the social and cultural divides». Listed(Classified) in conformance with(for) historic monuments since 1976, the Theatre of the People acquired a workshop(studio) of decoration(set) in 1986\. It is property of the state since 2005.
Édifice rural, Lieu de spectacles, sports et loisirs, Monument historique
©David Siebert