1 place de l'Abbaye, 52160 Auberive
The cistercienne abbey of Auberive, Alba Ripa, based(established) in 1135 by Saint Bernard and some monks come of the abbey of Clairvaux is a witness(baton) of the big(great) movements of our history(story). The abbey, 24th girl of Clairvaux, peaks in terms of ownerships in the XIIIth century. Monastery of cistercien order up to revolution, it will then be sold as very national. Later, the abbey was many times changed over the centuries according to its activity(occupation). It was in particular a shadowing(spinning) after French revolution, then a holiday at the beginning of the XIXth century, a prison for women from 1856 till 1894 then for children until 1924\. The monks reinstate(re-enter) the abbey later and several communities follow one another until 1960\. There the Solvay company acquires(buys back) her to make a holiday camp. The abbey, partly and progressively, made the object of a classification(ranking) in conformance with(for) historic monuments since 1956\. It is today the property deprived of the family Volot, which assures(insures) cultural rehabilitation with a Contemporary Arts Centre and a rich programme planning(programming) (music, theatre, dance) from the beginning of June to the end of September. This site is open to the public. He(It) also shelters, in his(its) six and a half hectare park, a protective orchard of fruiterers' old(former) varieties. Historic visit with a tape guide in 4 languages(tongues) (fr, angl, all, neerl) and/or plan (fr, angl, all, neerl, are, it). Guided tours by appointment for groups.
Édifice religieux, Monument historique, Musée, salle d'exposition
On the place(square) facing the entrance(entry) of the abbey

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