Conference on the Conservation of Broom Rails and Butternut Curlew

As part of the exhibition "La Meuse, Vallée vivante?" , Laurie-May Gonzalez of CPIE de Meuse and Marie Reyné of the Community of Communes of the Pays de Stenay and Val Dunois, speak at a conference to present the actions carried out for the conservation of the broom rail and the butternut curlew on the Natura 2000 site «Meuse valley - Stenay area».
The Codecom of the Pays de Stenay et du Val Dunois is the owner of two Natura 2000 sites: the «Forêt de Dieulet» and the «Vallée de Meuse - secteur de Stenay».
After a presentation of the latter, the speakers will review the year of the monitoring of the two emblematic species of the territory and the measures put in place for the conservation of these species.
More information on 03 29 80 82 27.