Guided and animated tour of the village of Meillant, with crisp stories, sketch in Berrichon dialect, memory of the healer
Walk in the streets of Meillant, more than 1000 years old: forest, iron, water, ponds, land, stone. Close to the castle, with exterior gothic decoration unique in France (in the world)!
Sábado 17 septiembre 2022, 14:30Passed
copyright Isabelle OTTO
Walk in the streets of Meillant: near the Geographical Centre of France, in the heart of a vast forest (oaks for the reconstruction of Notre-Dame de Paris), with until the nineteenth century iron mined in blast furnaces heated by charcoal supplied by the coal masters (v. George Sand), water in abundance, ponds, and stone quarries (site of the cathedral of Bourges)... In the village, many testimonies of these riches, rub shoulders with the magnificent castle with Gothic exterior decoration, unique in France (in the world)! Stories, testimonies, encounters, humour too.