Ancienne abbaye de La Cour Pétral
La Cour Pétral 28340 Boissy-lès-Perche
- Eure-et-Loir
- Centre-Val de Loire
It is in 1845 when the abbey of the Court Pétral is born. Before this date existed a castle built in the XVIIth century, from which it stays only the relay of hunting, the most old(former) building(ship) of the domain today which it is possible to observe in the south wing of the cloister. September 8th, 1845, sisters' community trappistines come from Monday (Calvados), surviving of revolutionary period and of precariousness of their convent of origin, settles down in the hunting lodge. Year 1858 is the one of the laying of the first stone of the church the blessing and the consecration of the altar of which will take place one year later, on May 21st, 1859\. It is in 1865 that begins the building work of most buildings and wall of surrounding wall(speaker), still visible(obvious) today. Trappistines will occupy the domain of the Court Pétral until 1935\. They will have stayed in it 90 years. In their departure, they give up(sell) the abbey to a congregation of the Maidservants of Very the Blessed Sacrament which will stay in it until 1956, or during 21 years. Then the Pétral Court is put for sale; she(it) will stay abandoned during 30 years.

Cour Pétral