17 i 18 septiembre 2022Passed
Iraila 2022
Larunbata 17
14:30 - 18:30
Igandea 18
14:30 - 18:30
8 to 99 years old

Musée de la Guerre de 1870

Place du 2-décembre-1870 28140 Loigny-la-Bataille
  • Eure-et-Loir
  • Centre-Val de Loire

Virtual reality tour of the Loigny battlefield

Relive the battles of 1870 directly on the battlefield of Loigny
17 i 18 septiembre 2022Passed
Musée de la guerre 1870 - Loigny-la-Bataille

Thanks to virtual reality, you can now relive Loigny’s battle of December 2, 1870, right on the battlefield.
Discover the noise and fury of the fighting: the shells that explode in the fields, the sound of the bullets that whistle, the infantry charges that cross the plain...

Types d'événement
Thème 2022
No selection
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Tarif habituel

About the location

Musée de la Guerre de 1870
Place du 2-décembre-1870 28140 Loigny-la-Bataille
  • Eure-et-Loir
  • Centre-Val de Loire
Loigny-la-Bataille is a commemorative site on the war of 1870\. After the fall of Metz and the capture of Napoleon III in Sedan, there is renewed hope with the army of the Loire which advances to free(deliver) besieged Paris. The forehead(front) spreads out on about hundred kilometres. December 2nd, 1870, in Loigny, 40 000 French fight against 35 000 Prussian and Bavarian. The French army sags, the brigade of the general de Sonis tries(tempts) in a crazy load(responsibility), to restore situation. In its breast, the zouaves(clowns) Pontificaux du colonels de Charette put together behind their flag "Heart of Jesus, Save France" lose two thirds(third parties) of their staff(size). In this close of day, 9000 French and Germanic victims are counted. In the memorial (the new church), the history(story) of battle through paintings(boards), via the crypt and the ossuary will be discovered. In the museum is kept the memory of the French soldiers (among whom the pontifical Zouaves(Clowns)) and from German: uniforms, weapons, helmets(headphones). A path(way) of Memory allows to discover 10 sites all around Loigny of whom(which) the table of orientation in the Cross of Sonis (400 m of Loigny towards Terminiers).
Édifice commémoratif, Musée, salle d'exposition
Musée de la guerre 1870