Église Saint-Piat
Place Marcel Binet 28130 Saint-Piat
- Eure-et-Loir
- Centre-Val de Loire
The present church was built under Francis I around 1535, date visible on the apse. In the wood of the vault, to the north, one can read 1542\. The other end of the beam were carved two figures, one of which evokes for some the head of Francis I. Others are decorated with symbolic animals. On the pediment, a holy Piat dressed as a priest, sculpted, welcomes the faithful. It is probably older than the rest of the church. The gates, classified as historical monuments, represent Sts Sebastian and Roch, traditionally invoked against the plague. In addition to the sarcophagus, there is a statue of the Virgin Mary in the church, presenting her Son. Dating from the sixteenth century (Renaissance), it differs from the static and frontal models widely used in the Middle Ages, by its flexible movement and the presentation of the child leaning on the side towards the faithful. In the choir, the low-relief (classified) fragment of the embalming of Christ, dated to the 15th century is a fine exampl