Château fort de Bommiers
3 les Minimes 36120 Bommiers
* First thought surrounding wall(speaker) farmyard (vestige of wall with archères, tour(tower,ballot) of angle and stave(moat))
* The second thought surrounding wall(speaker) big(great) court(yard) (Vestige of walls, châtelet, bases the chapel, the underground room, latrines, base(basis) of the manorial home...)
* Feudal clod of the XIth century with ruins of the donjon (XIIth century) and two tours(towers,ballots) (XIIIth century) with curtain, archères, bretèche and coolbox. The site is a private property, it does not include cultural arrangements(developments) (panels(signs) of displays(postings), paintings(boards), museum).
Château, hôtel urbain, palais, manoir, Monument historique
@bommiers (Licence libre)