Guided tour of the Haute-Loire prefecture
As part of the European Heritage Days, come and discover the history of the Prefecture of the Haute-Loire and the many works it preserves.
Sábado 17 septiembre 2022, 10:00, 11:30Passed
Herramientas de registro
Register / book:© Service patrimoine - Agglomération du Puy-en-Velay
The prefecture of the Haute-Loire, built in 1826, finds its place at the entrance of the Henri Vinay garden alongside the court and the theatre, all created in the 19th century.
The prefecture preserves in its walls many works in rooms with very elaborate decorations.
Appointment to be specified (call the Crozatier Museum at 04 71 06 62 40)
duration 1h
3 possibilities to register: online ticket office of the museum // home of the Crozatier museum // home of the Office de tourisme du Puy-en-Velay