Atelier Art Campanaire (bells) and monumental watchmaking, know-how around the maintenance of bell towers and belfries
Atelier Art Campanaire (bells) and monumental watchmaking, know-how around the maintenance of bell towers and belfries,
by Bernard Paschal, campanary craftsman in Wimereux
In Wimereux, with the partnership of the City, the Association of Friends of the Church has federated local associations for the enhancement of the Heritage (civil, religious, military) to invite you to look up at the viaduct and to look at the construction of the railway track in Wimille, with its station, which was the decisive element in the genesis of the seaside resort of Wimereux (currently classified Remarkable Heritage Site). An independent urbanization of Wimille was created, with its city center, around its church (currently closed for restoration). The AEICW also offers some workshops on trades that revolve around the life and construction of churches.
Atelier Art Campanaire (bells) et lorlogerie monumentale, par Bernard Paschal, artisan campanaire à Wimereux (uniquement le samedi).
Bernard Paschal has a real passion for jingles, angelus and other bells. Inexhaustible and captivating, come and listen to him tell you, with material to support, the characteristics of bells and monumental watchmaking: Bells exceed our life expectancy. They are there before us, some are 400 or 500 years old. And we will leave aside this heritage marking the moment!” “At home, in our regions, Holland, Belgium, France, we seek musical harmony. The third, the fifth… When you hear a bell sound in reality you hear 5 sounds that are tuned by the form».
Bernard Paschal – Campanary Art and Monumental Watchmaking in Wimereux
For three generations, watchmaking has always been a family affair for the Paschal family. In the 1960s, Pierre Paschal developed the activity of Monumental Watchmaking. In the 1980s, Dominique Paschal developed the Campanaire Business and Pierre transferred the company to him. Then Dominique and Bernard Paschal decide to partner and continue development. Today, they travel through the towns and villages of our regions to bring their experience to the steeples, towers and belfries.
This work is a passion for his entire team and, together, they create and innovate to improve the bells and jingles.
Among other things, they took part in the conservatory measurements of the Bergues carillon, and in June 2020, they rested the sundial of the church of Saint-Louis en l'Ile (Cadran double-face de 1m80) restored in their workshops in Wimereux. They are currently working on the dial of the monumental clock of Béthune, on the belfry of the Hôtel de Ville du Touquet and the bells of the church of Saint-Christophe (Tourcoing)
Last June, the artisan company Paschal Art Campanaire received the Stars & Métiers 2021 award in the RESPONSABLE category, rewarding their ability to integrate social and environmental concerns into their business!