17 i 18 septiembre 2021Passed
Iraila 2021
Ostirala 17
10:00 - 12:00
14:00 - 18:00
Larunbata 18
10:00 - 12:00
14:00 - 18:00
3 to 120 years old

Musée de Mirecourt

Cours Stanislas, 88500 Mirecourt
  • Vosges
  • Grand Est

Surprise visits to the museum!

The exhibition «Voyages» is available in several small thematic tours for young and old... Game of chance or challenge, it’s up to you to determine the theme of the visit!
17 i 18 septiembre 2021Passed
©Eric Thiebaut pour Vosges matin

The exhibition «Voyages» is available in several small thematic tours for young and old... Game of chance or challenge, it’s up to you to determine the theme of the visit!

Let yourself be surprised!

Types d'événement
Visite commentée / Conférence
Thème 2021
No selection
Conditions de participation

About the location

Musée de Mirecourt
Cours Stanislas, 88500 Mirecourt
  • Vosges
  • Grand Est
The Mirecourt Museum focuses on instrumental design and music around two collections that can be seen on several sites:
* the collection of the Musée de la Lutherie et de l'Archèterie, Cour Stanislas;
* the collection of the Maison de la Musique Mécanique, located at 24 Chanzy Street.
And at 12 quai Le Breuil, a former workshop of plucked string luthiers is open for visitors to continue the discovery experience.
Musée de France, Jardin remarquable, Lieu de culture, spectacles, sports et loisirs
Musée de la Lutherie et de l'Archèterie: Cours Stanislas/ Museum workshop: 12 quai Le Breuil/ Maison de la Musique Mécanique: 24, rue Chanzy.
©Musée de Mirecourt