20 - 22 septiembre 2019Passed
Iraila 2019
Ostirala 20
07:00 - 20:00
Larunbata 21
07:00 - 20:00
Igandea 22
07:00 - 20:00
Los motores de acceso para minusválidos
0 to 99 years old

Gratte-Ciel de Villeurbanne

22 rue Paul Verlaine, 69100 Villeurbanne, Métropole de Lyon, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes
  • Métropole de Lyon
  • Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes

Two Guillaume Bottazzi's works on Villeurbanne's skyscrapers

2 works of 4 meters by 1.50 meters realisez by the artist Guillaume Bottazzi on Villeurbanne historical heritage, the fist skyscappers in France.
20 - 22 septiembre 2019Passed
© Guillaume Bottazzi - ADAGP Paris

The artist Guillaume Bottazzi produced highly successful site-specific artworks. To date, he has signed off over 50 works for public spaces, included a 900 square meters painting for the Miyanomori International Museum of Art in Japan.

On a listed skyscraper in the Villeurbanne heritage, Guillaume Bottazzi creates in 2009 two artworks of 4 meter high x 1.5 meter wide.

This project has received congratulations from the architects in charge of patrimony, for its integration into the architecture.

Guillaume Bottazzi official website : https://www.guillaume.bottazzi.org

20th Century Heritage, Contemporary art, Guillaume Bottazzi, Bottazzi, Art in public space, art in situ, Contemporary artist
Types d'événement
No selection
Thème 2019
No selection
Conditions de participation
No selection
Numéro SIRET de mon établissement (ou à défaut, numéro de SIREN)
No input

About the location

Gratte-Ciel de Villeurbanne
22 rue Paul Verlaine, 69100 Villeurbanne, Métropole de Lyon, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes
  • Métropole de Lyon
  • Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes
Sky-scraper of Villeurbanne
Musée, salle d'exposition, Architecture contemporaine remarquable