Domingo 16 septiembre 2018, 16:30Passed
Iraila 2018
Igandea 16
16:30 - 17:30
Accesible para personas con discapacidad auditiva
Accesible para discapacitados visuales
Acceso discapacitados mentales
Los motores de acceso para minusválidos

Le 9-9bis

chemin du tordoir - 62590 Oignies
  • Pas-de-Calais
  • Hauts-de-France

Dramatized visit "The gaillette of Henriette, episode 1"

Visit dramatized with the Company Harmonika Zug
Domingo 16 septiembre 2018, 16:30Passed
(c) Le 9-9bis

Welcome to 1842! Madam De Clercq, owner of a manor of her state, wants an artesian well to feed the rooms(parts,plays) of water of her park. She(It) loads(charges) the famous engineer Fieldmouse of operation and obtains some coal! Come redraw the origin of the pit 9 together with Henriette De Clercq and with Louis-Georgess Mulot.

Types d'événement
Spectacle / Lecture
Édition 2018
No selection
Conditions de participation
No selection

About the location

Le 9-9bis
chemin du tordoir - 62590 Oignies
  • Pas-de-Calais
  • Hauts-de-France
Patrimoine mondial de l'UNESCO, Monument historique, Édifice industriel, scientifique et technique, Espace naturel, parc, jardin, Lieu de spectacles, sports et loisirs
(c) Le 9-9bis