15 i 16 septiembre 2018Passed
Iraila 2018
Larunbata 15
09:00 - 18:00
Igandea 16
09:00 - 18:00
Accesible para personas con discapacidad auditiva
Accesible para discapacitados visuales
Acceso discapacitados mentales
Los motores de acceso para minusválidos

Basilique Notre-Dame

place de l'Abbé Delhotel, 55600 Avioth
  • Meuse
  • Grand Est

European Heritage Days in Avioth

Visit free of the Basilica Notre-Dame of Avioth
15 i 16 septiembre 2018Passed
OT Montmédy

The basilica Notre-Dame of Avioth will be open to visit free Saturday, 15 and Sunday, September 16th from 9 h till 18 h. The exhibition(exposure) of the 40th birthday(anniversary) of the «House of Division(Sharing) of Avioth» is presented in the Basilica.
During these European Heritage Days in the Basilica, take advantage of different animations and discoveries proposed in Avioth:
Saturday, September 15th

Types d'événement
Visite libre
Édition 2018
No selection
Conditions de participation
No selection

About the location

Basilique Notre-Dame
place de l'Abbé Delhotel, 55600 Avioth
  • Meuse
  • Grand Est
Appearing in the course of a small sinuous road across the campaign(countryside), the basilica of Avioth nicknamed "basilica of fields", the visitor is a surprise. This church of the XIIIth and XIVth centuries is remarkable for its external architecture: stone filigrees of the south and west portals(gates), fantastic gargoyles, mysterious sculptor and his(her,its) internal ornaments of time(period): stained-glass windows, furnitures of the chorus(choir), polychrome statues as well as the statue of the Virgin(Virgo) miraculous appearance of which was at the origin of the edification of the basilica and to that they attribute(award) since numerous miracles. Jewel of art Flamboyant Gothic, Recevresse, intended(designed) to receive the offertories of the pilgrims, is a quite unique monument. Place of pilgrimage mattering, in the past property of the Luxembourg, this building was considered for a long time as the most beautiful church of the Luxembourg.
Édifice religieux, Monument historique
Michel Laurent _La Lorraine gaumaise