18 i 19 octubrePassed
Urria 2024
Ostirala 18
11:00 - 12:30
Larunbata 19
11:00 - 12:30

Arc de triomphe

Place Charles de Gaulle 75008 Paris
  • Paris
  • Ile-de-France

Guided Tour - The architecture of the Arc de triomphe

As part of the National Day's of Architecture (JNArchi), the Arc de triomphe is offering architectural tours over the weekend. Come and discover the rich history of this monument!
18 i 19 octubrePassed
© Reproduction Philippe Berthé / Centre des monuments nationaux

As part of the Journées Nationales de l'Architecture (JNArchi), the Arc de Triomphe is offering architectural tours over the weekend. Come and discover the rich history of this monument!

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About the location

Arc de triomphe
Place Charles de Gaulle 75008 Paris
  • Paris
  • Ile-de-France
En haut des Champs-Élysées, sur la place de l’Étoile, visitez l’Arc de triomphe, symbole national.