by Théâtre d'à côté- Direction Grégory Cinus With Stéphanie Armingaud, Mélanie Bois, Matthieu Clavey, Benoit Deboffle, Olivier Dumortier, David Fleury, Marie Guichard, Céline Haedens, Florence Herman, Hervé Lefol Lumière: François Cordonnier «SELL theatre, pleasant volumes, authentic character, exposed beams and walls full of history. Big potential in its juice. Plan for “some” work.” That’s it. We’re there. After many years in this theatre, our little troupe will leave for other horizons and, therefore, tonight, we move! Of course, we’ll laugh, drink coffee, clean everything. Of course, there will be big parts of Tétris, everyone will have a say in how to get out of the sofa and, of course, we’ll suddenly have an urgent phone call to make when it’s time to carry the washing machine. But, of course, not everything will always be so obvious, especially when it comes to leaving your memories, leaving ghosts behind, going to inhabit the future or deciding what to keep when you move from planet. And if leaving is to die a little, does arriving mean being reborn a lot? Anyway. Whether you’re coming for a visit or to pack, welcome to our big move, happily messy and nostalgically cozy. And vice versa. And if you come to see a show, it is not to be excluded that all this in itself one.