16 i 30 junio 2023Passed
Ekaina 2023
Ostirala 16
13:30 - 17:00
Ostirala 30
13:30 - 17:00


  • Hérault
  • Occitanie

Public Speaking online workshop

Public Speaking is a course that prepares you to go from script to stage in presenting your ideas to a wider community.
16 i 30 junio 2023Passed

Public Speaking is a course that prepares you to go from script to stage in presenting your ideas to a wider community. Whether speaking to 5, 50, 500, or 5000 people, the basics of how you use your voice and design your content to be meaningful to your audience remain the same. Through this course, you will learn some of these basic techniques, while reviewing examples of their use by other public speakers and finding ways of adapting those techniques in meaningful ways to your own preparation.

Course Content
• Understanding your audience & their attention spans
• Establishing and using a common thread in your talk
• Storytelling for live audiences using facts and figures
• Debating and persuasive speaking techniques; memorization techniques
• Videoconferencing and interviewing online

Course Objectives
Public Speaking will initiate participants into the art of persuasion and prepare them to use the tools and techniques required to perform on stage and thus train their capacity to contribute to high-level exchanges in international contexts. Through lectures, workshops, and practical sessions, participants will test and prepare with these tools and adapt them meaningfully, while reporting and communicating in several languages on scientific and technological work to different audiences or publications, both in writing and orally.
Please email us at awc-registrations@centralesupelec.fr to sign up

public speaking, presentation, poster, conference,

About the location

  • Hérault
  • Occitanie