Exhibition: tribute to Katherine Hamon
Katherine Hamon was born on 18 December 1949 in Paris From a family of artists, her father was a music critic and her grandfather a painter, she followed the path as a pianist and painter. In 1971, she accompanied singer Jacques Yvart to Bobino on piano and voice for the first part of a concert by Georges Brassens.In 1975, she toured the United States with Jacques Yvart, on the East Coast in universities. From 1985, for many years, she was a musician in the "rural band" participating in the festival of Vans ( Ardèche) But it is especially in painting that she flourishes, oil painting and dry pastel. At the same time, In 1987, she discovered the computer and began exploring this new tool. With her friend Jean luc Touillon, she participates in many exhibitions on behalf of the Studio graphique d'Apple France in several salons: Palais de Tokio, Grand Palais, Festival de Lures... She also works as an independent in editorial design, advertising and press. This work is published in France, the United States, Japan and Latin America Her love of travel led her to make exhibitions in Guadeloupe, the United States, Santa Monica and Ecuador where she works from 1995 for the agency "Tekky company" with Alain Bastide and Maria mercedes Salgado. She teaches digital painting courses on Painter at various universities in Quito and in the architecture department of the University of Cuenca. At the same time, she exhibits under the title "Oils, pastels and digital paintings" at the Palosanto in Guyaquil, at the French Alliance in Cuenca or for students of fine arts at the Maison d'ela Culture in Quito. In Cuba, she participates in the International Congress of Computer Science where she gives lectures. Back in France in 1998, she moved to Normandy where she painted and taught PAO and multimedia graphic programs.. She works in several institutions: Ecole multimedia, Art sup Institute, the ITC company for SMEs, the Comité 21( Environnement et développement durable) and she participates in the "Creators night" live painting at the Coupole in Paris, Barcelona and Milan. From 2004 to 2006, she is responsible for the communication of the Festival of the Errance created by the Centre Spirales where are invited the Navajos, the Manouches of Hungary etc... From 2006 to 2022, she was artistic and communication director of the Centre Spirales. During this period, she organized the European tour of Anando Gopal Das, icon of traditional Indian music of the Baûls. At the same time, she exhibits everywhere in Normandy, notably in the framework of "Artistic Routes"