21 i 22 junio 2023Passed
Ekaina 2023
Asteazkena 21
18:00 - 23:59
Osteguna 22
00:00 - 00:30
15 to 99 years old

Place du Mc Do de Caen

20 rue Hamon 14000
  • Calvados
  • Normandie

DJ mix

For its first music festival, Calvados Evenement invites you to visit the Szekely fountain square in Caen (next to the Mc Do and the Café de Caen) for a musical animation by a DJ q…
21 i 22 junio 2023Passed

For its first festival of music, Calvados Evenement will meet you at the Szekely Fountain Square in Caen (next to the Mc Do and the Caen Café) for a musical animation by a DJ who will mix from 18:00 to 00:30! The theme will be generalist.


About the location

Place du Mc Do de Caen
20 rue Hamon 14000
  • Calvados
  • Normandie