
Girl Glow Run: 5 km

Come and discover your urban night lake safely
Sábado 12 octubre, 19:30

Race or walk of 5 kms around the lake of the heron not timed labeled Great National Cause "Bouge 30 minutes"
Event open to all, dedicated to women, give back their confidence and optimism to reinvest urban spaces so that they too take care of their health through physical activity.
Let’s move together without fear of gender-based violence or insecurity
Free event, fluo goodies offered, free raffle unrelated to performance, health food offered
Dress in neon and remember to take your headlamp and your cup!

Événement d'intérêt intercommunal
Événement d'intérêt intercommunal
Événement récurrent
No selection
Catégories Métropolitaines
No selection
Santé / bien-être

About the location

Base de pleine nature
Chemin du grand marais 59650 Villeneuve d'Ascq
  • Nord
  • Hauts-de-France