Follow in the footsteps of Jules Favre to describe a mushroom

Jules Favre was a famous Swiss mycologist who discovered hundreds of new fungal taxa. He was a confirmed naturalist in a variety of fields, including geology, with his doctoral thesis, palaeontology, malacology and botany.
The Geneva Botanical Garden holds thousands of specimens from the Favre collection, including 330 type specimens, the detailed notes associated with the samples, drawings made by Jules, and watercolours of remarkable quality and realism painted by Jeanne Favre.
Follow the presentation dedicated to Jules Favre.
This guided tour is part of the “Variations botaniques” series and complements "Our Illustrious Scientists", an exhibition included in COLLECTOR and dedicated to the great names in botany who have marked the history of the Geneva Botanical Garden and whose remarkable contributions to our collections are on display to mark the 200th anniversary of the Conservatoire.
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