How can we act now for the climate?

Presented by Philippe Verdier, Léman Bleu's "Go solutions durables" program deals with the central themes of sustainable development, from a constructive angle at the crossroads of the economy, society and the environment. It gives the floor to major players in sustainable development in Geneva, professionals and international experts, who share their experiences and raise awareness.
Theme of the show: How can we act now for the climate?
Guests: Delphine Bachmann, State Councillor; Antonio Hodgers, State Councillor; Alfonso Gomez, Mayor of Geneva; Bertrand Piccard, Swiss explorer and environmentalist; Christian Brunier, Director of SIG; Carine Ayélé Durand, Director of MEG.
Have your say and question the guest personalities and politicians on Léman Bleu's "Go solutions durables" program directly, by taking part in the recording at the Café du MEG on Tuesday November 21 at 5 pm.
Register by October 27 at: