The Month of the Doc | Marlon Riggs Retrospective

MARLON RIGGS RETROSPECTIVE Her films have opened up new perspectives on the experiences of Black communities. They are characterized by an innovative visual aesthetic and narrative, skillfully mixing elements of documentary cinema and more experimental elements. Organized by the Amiens International Film Festival, with the support of Heure Exquise!
Friday 24 November, 19:30 > Free Entry ANTHEM By Marlon Riggs 1991 | United States | 0h09 | VOSTF Pan-African queer pamphlet for epidemic time.
BLACK IS... BLACK AIN’T By Marlon Riggs 1994 | United States | 1h27 | VOSTF Latest film by Marlon Riggs, who dies of AIDS while directing. Using his grandmother’s okra recipe as a metaphor for the diversity of the African-American experience, Riggs travels the country seeking ideas from leading thinkers as well as ordinary people – young and old, rich and poor, rural and urban, gay and straight – all struggling with the many definitions of identities that have shaped their lives.