11 i 12 marzo 2021Passed
Marzo 2021
Jueves 11
08:30 - 18:00
Viernes 12
09:00 - 17:30
18 to 99 years old

Webinaire AAE

Académie de l'air et de l'espace
  • Haute-Garonne
  • Occitanie

Air transport in crisis and the climate challenge : Towards new paradigms

The Air and Space Academy has decided to tackle this major subject independently, without preconceptions or taboos, so as to clarify the strategies of the different players.
11 i 12 marzo 2021Passed

✈Air transport in crisis and the climate challenge//Webinar?


Like a groundswell, the challenge of climate change is causing an upheaval in today’s society. Many are speaking out to alert public opinion, others to propose their solutions in the face of soaring public awareness on this issue.
Within this context, air transport is called on to drastically reduce its carbon footprint by 2050, at a time when its prospects for development still appear very high.
As with any revolution in practices, this requirement facing air transport provides a real opportunity for reinvention in a sector that has been capable for decades of adapting itself, helping bring together people, their cultures and their economies.
The Air and Space Academy has decided to tackle this major subject independently, without preconceptions or taboos, so as to clarify the strategies of the different players.
Over two days, it will bring together climatologists, experts from the various industrial sectors concerned (energy, aeronautics, transport, etc.), as well as sociologists and economists from different countries.
In addition to professionals and politicians, the conference will target a wider audience, particularly the younger generation, with committed representatives being invited to participate in the discussions.


Session 1 : Climate issues
This session will review the scientific findings on climate change and will present the energy developments that could impact air transport in the future.

Session 2 : New energies and contribution of technology
How far will new sustainable aviation fuels contribute to reducing emissions? Which energy source(s) will power aircraft in 2030, 2040, 2050? What progress is expected from aircraft and their engines by 2050? These are the points that will be addressed throughout this session.

Session 3 : Evolving air transport strategies and international interactions

Session 3 will be devoted to the European and international vision of the environmental challenges facing air transport today.

Session 4 : Mobility of the future on a global scale
What is the presumed importance of air transport in tomorrow's world? What priority is given in different regions of the world to the issue of its climate impact? Which model of society, which globalisation, which new behaviours can (or must) induce the transition to a carbon-free world? What are the consequences for mobility and a possibly reinvented air transport?
In order to ensure that the debate is fully open and that participants can express their visions, concerns and feelings, a round table will be proposed at the end of each session.

//Programme and more information on : academieairespace.com/colloque

//Contact : Patricia Segala, communication officer, Air and Space Academy - Patricia.segala@academie-air-espace.com

climate, Air transport, climate challenge, industry, aeronautic y mobility
Format d'événement
Colloque et conférence

About the location

Webinaire AAE
Académie de l'air et de l'espace
  • Haute-Garonne
  • Occitanie

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