Saturday 5 October, 14:30
CHF 0.-
October 2024
Saturday 5
14:30 - 16:00
Accessible to the motor impaired
16 to 99 years old

MEG X Everybody's Perfect: Queer decolonial visit to the exhibition "Rembering. Geneva in the colonial world".

Visit the exhibition "Mémoires, Genève dans le monde colonial" from a queer and decolonial perspective. Temporary exhibition. Saturday 5 October 2024, 2:30 pm to 4:00 pm.
Saturday 5 October, 14:30
CHF 0.-
Everybody's Perfect

This guided tour is intended as a dialogue between visitors, guides, the exhibition and the museum. Through situated perspectives, the aim is to question the practices and knowledge underlying the exhibition ‘Memories: Geneva in the Colonial World’ at the MEG, in the context of the decolonial movement.
How is the MEG positioned? How does this exhibition fit in? From what perspective(s)? Is any knowledge (in)visible? If so, how? What material conditions are being highlighted?
What does this pagoda-shaped museum, with its metal structure and underground collection accessible by a grand staircase, evoke?
Who are these ‘anonymous’ female authors and bearers of the lithethana? How did they become ‘anonymous’?
What questions are raised by the totem poles sculpted by Sm'oogyit Niishluut, now placed in the heart of Geneva's urban fabric?
These are just some of the questions that will be addressed using decolonial queer feminist tools. They will enable us to propose narratives and counter-narratives that can help emancipatory political imaginations to emerge.
The tour will take place on Saturday 5 October at 2.30pm in the MEG temporary exhibition.
It will be given by:
Nayansaku Mufwankolo, artist-researcherx, teacherx and lecturerx in critical theory and cultural studies, consultantx on diversity and inclusion
Maria Ejarque, independent researcher and curator with a feminist, queer and decolonial approach.

In collaboration with the Everybody's Perfect festival and Service Agenda 21-Ville durable, in the contexte of the City of Geneva's Month of LGBTIQ+ History.
Next date: October 8, 6:30 pm.

Texte alternatif à l'image
Vue de l'installation Démembrée-Remembered.
Other place
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Exposition temporaire, Salon
Event type
Guided visit
Type d'événement Institutions
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Public(s) cible(s)
General public
ID Secutix
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Event organisation
VDG Event
Musée d'ethnographie de Genève (MEG)
Organisateur url
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Campagne - ça se discute
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About the location

Boulevard Carl-VOGT 65, 1205 Genève

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