Tuesday 9 November 2021, 16:00Passed
November 2021
Tuesday 9
16:00 - 17:00

Cycle "Rendez-vous du Gákte-quipo" with Máret Ánne Sara and Margaret Orr (ONLINE)

Online meeting between two committed indigenous artists to discuss the relationship between environmental issues and artistic creation. Mardi 9 novembre, from 16h to 17h (UTC+1)
Tuesday 9 November 2021, 16:00Passed
Gákte-Quipo, de Máret Ánne Sara et Cecilia Vicuña, 2017. ©MEG, Johnathan Watts

This first Gákte-Quipo e-Meeting will offer you a chance to meet Sami Máret Ánne Sara and Cree artist Margaret Orr. They are invited to discuss the role of environmental issues and the importance of humans and non-humans relationships in their creative work. This talk is part of a cycle that takes place virtually in the Time to Come Together, the last part of the exhibition Environmental Injustice - Indigenous Peoples’ Alternatives. Just as the artwork Gákte-Quipo ties together the individual stories of indigenous peoples’ struggles to gain control over their lands and territories, these encounters will forge connexions between the artists and the audiences interested in hearing their stories.

The meeting will take place online on Zoom. Link HERE

MÁRET ÁNNE SARA (born in 1983) is a Sami artist, writer and journalist. She comes from a family of reindeer herders in Guovdageaidnu, in the Norwegian part of Sápmi, and currently works in her home town. In her art, she takes a critical look at the political and social questions concerning the Sami people and, in particular, the reindeer herders communities. She was nominated for the Nordic Council Children’s and Young People’s Literature Prize in 2014. In 2016 and 2017, she created the “Pile o’Sápmi” multimedia installation presented at the Documenta 14 exhibition in Kassel. She is also a founding member of the Daiddadallu artists’ collective in Guovdageaidnu. Sara is one of three Sami artists who will represent Sápmi in the Nordic Pavilion at the Venice Biennale in 2022.

MARGARET ORR (born in 1962) is a Cree artist from Eeyou Istchee territory, in Quebec’s Northern Quebec. Her work is based on land, water, sky, humans and animals. For Margaret Orr, the fact of being connected to the land is essential. After completing her Masters in Fine Arts (MFA) at Regina University (Canada) in 2019, Margaret Orr returned to the land in Eeyou Istchee and now lives and works in Chisasibi. Her artistic work was marked in 1984 by the drowning of 10,000 caribous in the Caniapiscau River (Quebec) when the Hydro- Quebec company opened the gates of Caniapiscau reservoir, leading to a rapid rise in the water level which took the herd by surprise sweeping it to its death.

Texte alternatif à l'image
Oeuvre d'art exposée au musée d'ethnographie de Genève. Gákte-Quipo, de Máret Ánne Sara et Cecilia Vicuña, 2017. ©MEG, Johnathan Watts
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Conference - Meeting
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VDG Event
Musée d'ethnographie de Genève (MEG)
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Campagne - ça se discute
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About the location

Boulevard Carl-VOGT 65, 1205 Genève

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