Wednesday 27 November 2019, 09:30Passed
Registration is free and on a first-come, first-served basis
November 2019
Wednesday 27
09:30 - 17:00

Centre de Nanosciences et Nanotechnologies (C2N)

10 boulevard Thomas Gobert - Palaiseau
  • Essonne
  • Île-de-France

Workshop “Quantum and neuromorphic technologies meet”

The goal of the workshop is to give opportunity to the actors of these two, until now independant fields, to meet and exchange ideas.
Wednesday 27 November 2019, 09:30Passed
Registration is free and on a first-come, first-served basis

Over the past decades, quantum and neuromorphic computing have emerged as two leading visions for the future of computation. Quantum computing aims at making use of quantum properties such as entanglement and superposition to design more efficient algorithms than classical ones. On the other hand, neuromorphic computing gets inspiration from the brain and uses complex ensembles of artificial neurons and synapses to mimic animal intelligence.

These two approaches may exploit similar technologies such as optics, electronics, spintronics and superconducting circuits. They share true similarities, such as the reliance on extreme parallelism, but also striking differences, for example the algorithms they use or the way they deal with errors.

The goal of the workshop “Quantum and neuromorphic technologies meet” is to give opportunity to the actors of these two, until now independant fields, to meet and exchange ideas. The solutions to the challenges of neuromorphic computing may well be solved by using quantum neurons and the killer application for the existing quantum devices might just as well be neuromorphic computing!

Confirmed speakers:

  • Pascale Senellart (Centre de Nanosciences et de Nanotechnologies – C2N)
  • Zaki Leghtas (QUANTIC)
  • Iordanis Kerenidis (Institut de Recherche en Informatique Fondamentale - IRIF)
  • Virginia D’Auria (Institut de Physique de Nice)
  • Christian Gamrat (CEA LIST/Nano-Innov)
  • Laurent Cario (Institut des Matériaux Jean Rouxel - IMN)
  • Ioana Vatajelu (Techniques de l'Informatique et de la Microélectronique pour l'Architecture des systèmes intégrés - TIMA)
  • Daniel Brunner (FEMTO-ST)
  • Laurent Daudet (LightOn)
  • Bruno Maisonnier (AnotherBrain)

Program and registration: https://qnt2019.sciencesconf.org/

Quantum technologies, Neuromorphic technologies, computing, artificial neurons
Type d'événement
Conférence / séminaire / webinaire - conference / seminar / webinar
Recherche - Research
Réservé à certains publics
Gestion admin - Ne pas remplir
No selection

About the location

Centre de Nanosciences et Nanotechnologies (C2N)
10 boulevard Thomas Gobert - Palaiseau
  • Essonne
  • Île-de-France