Saturday 18 May, 20:00Passed
Free admission
May 2024
Saturday 18
20:00 - 22:30

La sabline - Musée de préhistoire

21 route de Montmorillon, 86320 Lussac-les-Châteaux, Vienne, Nouvelle-Aquitaine
  • Vienne
  • Nouvelle-Aquitaine

Open House at the Museum

All public/ Free admission.
Saturday 18 May, 20:00Passed
Free admission
© la Sabline

All public/ Free admission. On the occasion of the Night of the Museums, the Museum of Prehistory opens its doors to discover the vestiges of the Lussacoise prehistory as well as the temporary exhibition "Journey through the world rock art". Guided tours will be offered during the evening to discover the prehistoric art of the world.
Take advantage of the evening to do your own painting as in prehistory and complete the fresco located in the hall of the cultural pole. Workshop in free access all evening.
Then at 9:30 pm, Visit told for the whole family. Visit on reservation at 05 49 83 39 80. Walking shoes recommended.
More information: https://www.lasabline.fr/actualites/nuit-europeenne-des-musees


About the location

La sabline - Musée de préhistoire
21 route de Montmorillon, 86320 Lussac-les-Châteaux, Vienne, Nouvelle-Aquitaine
  • Vienne
  • Nouvelle-Aquitaine
The Museum is devoted to the local Prehistory. Exhibitions(Exposures) tell the discovery of caves and rock shelters and show a part(party) of the archaeological furniture the brought to light in these sites. You will be able to approach the lifestyle of the prehistoric men(people) and discover the specificity of local art: the engraving on bones, teeth and stones engraved. The latter(These last), adorned with animals and especially with human beings, treated in a realistic way, were discovered by thousands in particular in the cave of the Marche(Walking), occupied about 14 000 years ago by the Magdalenian. To supplement visit, you will be able to follow the arrowed route(course) and go off to explore the closest prehistoric sites having a walk where lived our lussacois ancestors.
Sciences and technical, Society and civilisation, Musée de France
RN 147 connecting(binding) Poitiers and Limoges.
© La sabline - Musée de préhistoire