Jardin de Laroque
303 faubourg Tutet, Escatalens, Tarn et Garonne
Park deprived of 1, 5 hectares created in 1990s in the valley of the Garonne and fed by many natural sources(springs). Its conception(design) is strongly inspired of Feng Shui, this thousand-year-old art of Chinese origin who(which) is aimed at harmonising the environmental energy of a place so as to favour health, good(property) to be. Established(Constituted) by a big(great) variety of vegetables (110 sorts(species) of big(great) trees and conifers, 100 sorts(species) of shrubs, 75 varieties of enduring). Streams, pond, aquatic plants. Curiosity.
open from April 15th till October 31st.
Private garden, Jardin remarquable, Parc paysager (à l'anglaise), Jardin de collection (botanique, arboretum...), Jardin vivrier (potager, verger, jardins familiaux, jardin de simples...)
from Montauban, direction(management) Montech, then Castelsarrasin (D 813), 303 suburb Tutet. Parking lot nearby.
©J.-C. Lasjunies