Concert-conference: naturally piano
On Saturday June 1st between 14h and 18h attend a free concert "Naturellement piano" with Philippe DAVENET (several continuous sets).
Saturday 1 June, 14:30Passed
6 €, free (elected officials and agents of the Department and their successors, job seekers, beneficiaries of the social minima, people with disabilities + a companion, tourism professionals, inhabitants, on presentation of proof).
©Département de la Seine-Maritime
During appointments in the gardens, come visit the gardens and participate in many animations (visits and advice by gardeners, workshops for children, concert) Conference/ concert of Philippe DAVENET: «Naturellement piano»: From the works of Debussy, Ravel, Fauré, Déodat de Sevrac, Couperin, this conference aims to make us discover, with the help of the piano, how these composers make exist, feel, imagine, hear… nature Conference at 2:30 pm, 3:30 pm and 4:30 pm
Rates: Included in the entrance fee