Reading stories for children
Muriel Chamak-Sol is a storyteller, musician and actress. For the MVEV92 Rendez-vous aux Jardins event, she comes from Malakoff where she lives and works as a librarian…
Saturday 1 June 2024, 11:00Passed

©Muriel Chamak-Sol
Muriel Chamak-Sol is a storyteller, musician and actress. For the MVEV92 event as part of the Rendez-vous aux Jardins, she comes from Malakoff where she lives and works as a youth librarian. Passionate about nature, stories, the arts of speech, she will tell children stories inspired by nature in the Jardin Félicie Hervieu on Saturday, June 1, 2024 between 11am and 12pm. A moment of poetry and imagination in an inspiring setting.