Visit of the islands garden
Observation of local flora and fauna.
4 - 6 June 2021Passed
12 people maximum
© Alain Solviche
Welcome biodiversity in your garden
Fruit and nourishing trees and shrubs help each other in a luxuriance stage. Perennials and auxilliary fauna (birds, insects) find shelter and cover to actively participate in this subtle balance between hundreds of local or acclimatized plant and animal species.
The gardener observes, respects, welcomes, lets do or experiment... The exchange of knowledge with visitors is always a shared pleasure!
The visit can also be extended around a 2020 apple juice.
Friday, visits from 9h to 11h30, from 14h to 16h30 and from 19h to 21h. Saturday, visits from 8h to 10h, from 10h15 to 12h15, and from 14h30 to 16h30. Sunday visit from 10h to 12h.