Object theater from 2 years old: In my house

As part of the 24-25 Cultural Season. Conditions for purchasing tickets on www.saisonculturelleplo.ch. Children must be accompanied by an adult. Out of respect for children, artists and other spectators, we reserve the right to refuse entry to children under the age of 2 and to latecomers, without refund or exchange.
This show addresses the question of construction, of the house but also of oneself. The house thought of as a living being, with its inhabitants, its objects, its sounds, its treasures and its dangers sometimes. The house thought of as a territory which, somewhere, extends its body. The house in which the child will evolve, grow and make his experiences. The accomplice house, the happy house, the shell house, the gingerbread house, the danger house too... Like the roof of a house which has two sides, we oscillate between the inner world and the outer world, between black and white, between dream and reality. Between the real house and the imagined house.
In collaboration with the Théâtre Fête (Oct. 6-13, 2024)
Idée originale et scénographie : Christophe Roche / Mise en scène : Christophe Roche et Laurent Bastide / Interprétation : Christophe Roche ou Laurent Bastide en alternance / Musiques : Vincent Gaffet, Christophe Roche, Patrick Sapin / Lumières : Ludovic Charrasse / Marionnettes et accessoires : Judith Dubois / Administration : Natacha Perche / Spectacle produit par La Clinquaille, coproduit par TEC (38). Avec le soutien de l’Espace des Halles – La Tour du Pin (38), Centre culturel Le Sou – La Talaudière (42), Salle des Rancy – Lyon (69), Espace culturel Eole – Craponne (69), Scène nationale de Bourg-en-Bresse (01), Le Coléo – Pontcharra (38), Théâtre François Ponsard – Vienne (38), Le Briscope – Brignais (69). La Clinquaille est subventionnée par la Région Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes et le Département de l’Isère. Elle est membre adhérent actif de doMino – Plateforme Jeune Public Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes et participe à son fonds de soutien. Elle est membre de la friche artistique Lamartine à Lyon.