Saturday 18 January 2020, 17:30Passed
Recommended registration for reading aloud
January 2020
Saturday 18
17:30 - 22:30
12 to 99 years old

Bibliothèque des Grands Moulins, Université Paris Diderot

5 rue Thomas Mann 75013 Paris
  • Paris
  • Île-de-France

Reading marathon "Prisons" with Ludovic-Hermann Wanda

Take part in a collaborative show: a reading marathon around the novel "Prisons", by Ludovic-Hermann Wanda
Saturday 18 January 2020, 17:30Passed
Recommended registration for reading aloud
Cédric Ramadier

Do you like reading aloud? Come and read a few pages of a humorous story in French and talk about the suburbs.
The hero and narrator of "Prisons" is Frédéric, a young black drug dealer. He is arrested and finds himself in prison, surrounded by suburban guys like him. He led a fight there: teaching French. He began with Richard, his cellmate devastated by the use of drugs. A difficult task, but he transmits his passion for reading. His cellmate metamorphoses! In prison, Frédéric decides to resume university studies.
A novel about the prisons of our society, real or domestic. A testimony of hope about the benefits of books and culture.
This collaborative show, hosted by comedian Padrig Vion, is a marathon of reading: the volunteers take turns to read aloud a few pages of the novel.
Gifts to win for those who read aloud!
The evening will end with a meeting with Ludovic-Hermann Wanda, author of the novel, moderated by Renaud Mathieu.
An evening organized in collaboration with the editions of the Antilope and the bookstore Gibert Joseph, and in partnership with the House of Writers and Literature.
Free admission, registration recommended for reading aloud

Type d'événement
Lecture / Conte
Autre type d'événement
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Conditions de participation
Entrée libre
Type de public
Public adulte
Publics empêchés visés
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Type de structure
Bibliothèque universitaire
Autre type de structure
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Structure partenaire
Editions de l'Antilope, Librairie Gibert Joseph, Maison des Ecrivains et de la Littérature
Horaires étendus
Diffusion sur le pass culture
Offre pass culture : cet événement est spécifiquement pensé pour les jeunes de 18 ans. Je souhaite qu’il soit référencé sur le pass Culture. En cochant cette case, j’accepte l’utilisation de ces données par le pass Culture ainsi que les conditions générales d’utilisation de la plateforme : https://docs.passculture.app
Numéro SIRET de mon établissement (ou à défaut, numéro de SIREN)
197 517 238 00 659
Prix de l'événement tel qu'affiché sur le pass Culture
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URL pass culture
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About the location

Bibliothèque des Grands Moulins, Université Paris Diderot
5 rue Thomas Mann 75013 Paris
  • Paris
  • Île-de-France