Saturday 20 January 2018, 20:00Passed
Free, on registration(inscription), limited places(squares)!
January 2018
Saturday 20
20:00 - 21:00
Accessible to the hearing impaired
Accessible to the visually impaired
Accessible to the psychic impaired
Accessible to the motor impaired
11 to 99 years old

Librairie Saint-Martin

2 rue Saint-Martin 33430 Bazas
  • Gironde
  • Nouvelle-Aquitaine

Discover Ausone, the Gallo-Roman poet of Bazas

Reading of an apocryphal letter extaraite the Testament of Ausone, the novel éspistolaire of Mark Petit
Saturday 20 January 2018, 20:00Passed
Free, on registration(inscription), limited places(squares)!

"Decimus Magnus Ausonius, born in 309/310 in Aquitaine (in Bazas or in Bordeaux) and dead towards 394/395 in a villa located between Langon and Réole, is a politician, man of letters and a Gallo-Roman teacher of the period of Later Roman Empire, close to the emperor Gratien; he was in particular prefect of the courtroom of the Gauls in 378.
Poet of Latin language(tongue), this man of letters of the Western Empire is the author of about twenty works. The French literary history(story), forgetting many more authors of its century or of the previous centuries, considers him as the first representative of the tradition of the Latin letters in France and of the use(custom) of the New Latin in this country. "Source(Spring): Wikipedia
We will not inflict on you a reading down Latin, but the version, appeared January 9th, of apocryphal letters of Ausone, drafted by small Mark who returns accessible(approachable) the Gallo-Roman poet who is not therefore that a name of middle school(college) or of street...
Because the bazadais of the IVth century lived a life rich in teachings: tutor of the son of 1st Valentinien, he(it) has a ringside seat of the end of Empire... It is undoubtedly what returns him(it) so current!

Reading, suprises, 20 h
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About the location

Librairie Saint-Martin
2 rue Saint-Martin 33430 Bazas
  • Gironde
  • Nouvelle-Aquitaine