Saturday 18 May 2019, 11:00Passed
Free admission
May 2019
Saturday 18
11:00 - 00:00
Accessible to the motor impaired

Les Bains du Nord

16 rue Quentin, 21000 Dijon
  • Côte-d'Or
  • Bourgogne-Franche-Comté

Private view of exhibition(exposure) "Born in France"

Inauguration opening of exhibition(exposure) "Born in France".
Saturday 18 May 2019, 11:00Passed
Free admission
(c) FRAC Bourgogne

In 1975, Renaud sang "to have been born under the sign of France, it is really no sinecure". A few years before the ban of distribution(broadcasting) of these words on France Inter, François Ristori, who as paper Claude Rutault, had been born also in France, had specified it and fixed shape and colours in painting(paint).
June 20th, 1982, since the city council of Lille, Jack Lang, Minister of Culture, announces a national plan in favour of Visual Arts, one of the key measures is: the creation of the TAIL COAT(FRAC).
The TAIL COAT(FRAC) Bourgogne is born on September 9th, 1982 and with him the need to establish(constitute) a collection of contemporary works. The first technical committee of acquisition meets in 1983 and the history(story) of this collection begins in 1984 with the acquisition of works of sixteen French and international artists.
The collection of the TAIL COAT(FRAC) Burgundy is established(constituted) of 686 works of 269 artists today. It is an open collection, rich of his(her,its) aesthetic diversity and mediums that are represented there.
On the occasion of the unveiling of the museum renovated by the Fine Arts of Dijon, it is the history(story) of this collection, at once centrifugal and centripetal, that is proposed through the experience(experiment) of someone of "key" works of this collection.
Exceptional opening of exhibition(exposure) on Saturday, May 18th, 2019 of 11 h 00 - 00 00.
Opening hours of the Baths of the North in period of exhibition(exposure):
On Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Sunday: 14h30-18h00.
On Saturday: 11h00-13h00 / 14h00-18h00.
Guided tours big(great) public: every Saturday at 11 h 00 and at 16 h 00 (45 min).

At European Night of Museums 2019 in the TAIL COAT(FRAC) Bourgogne:
Visits flash of exhibition(exposure) "Born in France".
An ombudsman presents in a general way exhibition(exposure), its genesis and at the request of the visitors, selected works.
Schedules of visits flash - free - without reservation:

Types of events
Conditions for participation
Free entrance

About the location

Les Bains du Nord
16 rue Quentin, 21000 Dijon
  • Côte-d'Or
  • Bourgogne-Franche-Comté
Contemporary Arts
©FRAC - Les Bains du Nord