Saturday 18 May 2019, 20:30, 22:00Passed
19 places(squares)
May 2019
Saturday 18
20:30 - 21:30
22:00 - 23:00
15 to 115 years old

Musée de la résistance et de la déportation

La Citadelle rue des Fusillés de la Résistance, 25000 Besançon
  • Doubs
  • Bourgogne-Franche-Comté

Writing or life

Adaptation of «writing or life» of Jorge Semprun
Saturday 18 May 2019, 20:30, 22:00Passed
19 places(squares)
© Le chêne de Goethe/ dessin de Léon Delarbre, coll. Musée de la résistance et de la déportation de Besançon

Writing or life / According to Jorge Semprun / adaptation and direction(fabrication) of Guillaume Dujardin / With Régis Goudot.
Co-production: Festival of cellars / Mala Noche (Besançon) company
There is about twenty years, Régis Goudot, actor and Guillaume Dujardin, movie director went(took) up an adaptation of the narrative of Jorge Semprun. The author, resisting deported questions there way possible to tell the concentration camp experience(experiment) of Buchenwald.
Jorge Semprun, Spanish exile in Paris, enters the resistance from 1942. Stopped(Arrested) in September, 1943, he is deported to the concentration camp of Buchenwald at the age of twenty years.
How could he tell, in his return, what he lived or rather survived in Buchenwald? Only the writing, from his part, could try to make seize, the slightest bit, to those who did not live him(it) concentration camp experience(experiment). Jorge Semprun finds then in literature and power of the imagination, way of making heard his(her) experience(experiment). Whether it is in its detective stories, in its scenarioes, in its novels, Buchenwald will always be present in its entirety of its work.
"Writing or life" is not that a show to evoke Buchenwald. It is especially a show to tell "after ", how and why Semprun, Levi, Delbo, Antelme wrote literature, that is art, to manage to pass on(transmit) their experience(experiment). The narrative was not enough. It was necessary to put in it invention, shape, imagination.
Because the questions which Jorge Semprun asked seem still pertinent, because to show that art and its faculty(power) of evocation is primordial at a time when the right(law) for imagination is called into question, the Mala Noche de Besançon company wished to recreate this show on the occasion of the Festival of Cellars 2019.
The Festival of Cellars is a festival of theatrical creations which takes place in a hundred of underground places of different cities, of that Besançon from May 10th till June 28th. This festival gives great emphasis to the imagination of the artists, that they are young or experienced, that aesthetics is crazy or classic, that the text is complex, contemporary or not, funny or tragic …
Mala Noche company
Cellar of the Royal Forehead(Front) in the Citadel of Besançon – as part of the festival of cellar
[STOP_TRANSLATION]Durée 1h00 - Représentation à 20h30 et 22h00.
Jauge 19 personnes.

Types of events
Performances / concerts
Conditions for participation
Free entrance

About the location

Musée de la résistance et de la déportation
La Citadelle rue des Fusillés de la Résistance, 25000 Besançon
  • Doubs
  • Bourgogne-Franche-Comté
Musée de France, Society and civilisation