Saturday 18 May 2019, 16:00Passed
Free admission
May 2019
Saturday 18
16:00 - 22:00
5 to 99 years old

Petit musée de l'ancienne école de Froideville

39230 vincent froideville
  • Jura
  • Bourgogne-Franche-Comté

Exhibition(Exposure) on the symbols of the Republic and the history(story) of universal suffrage in France

Exhibition(Exposure) on the symbols of the Republic and the history(story) of universal suffrage in France.
Saturday 18 May 2019, 16:00Passed
Free admission
©Alain Pernot

As part of the 15th edition(publishing) of the European Night of museums the Municipality(Commune) of Vincent-Froideville with the support of the District council Bresse Haute Seille will propose an exhibition(exposure) on the symbols of the Republic and the history(story) of universal suffrage in France.
This exhibition(exposure) will redraw the history(story) of voting right in France across 200 dating polling cards - for the most old(former) of the two centuries.
On the eve of European polls, it is not useless to call back(remind) that if all French citizens of more than 18 years have today the possibility of indicating(appointing) their representatives in the different institutions of our Republic, it was not always case. Inherited from French Revolution, 150 years will have more been needed so that voting right becomes indeed universal in France.
This exhibition(exposure) will present numerous objects representing our Republic. Marianne will be represented in form of busts, bas-reliefs, medals, posters, coins, old(former) postcards... Besides the allegoric face(figure) of our Republic, La Marseillaise will also be in honour just as the French cockerel or else the tricolour.
The office(desk) of a mayor will be reconstructed gathering(collecting) old(former) numerous objects: gallery of the official portraits of the Presidents of the Republic, cockades, badges... A space will present numerous school objects (books(pounds) of civics and morality).
We wish with this event(demonstration) to mark our attachment the Republic and its values.

Types of events
Conditions for participation
Free entrance

About the location

Petit musée de l'ancienne école de Froideville
39230 vincent froideville
  • Jura
  • Bourgogne-Franche-Comté
Alain Pernot