Saturday 19 May 2018, 14:00Passed
May 2018
Saturday 19
14:00 - 00:00
This event includes accessibility accommodations
Hearing impairmentVisual impairmentPsychic impairmentMotor impairment
6 to 99 years old

Musée des beaux-arts

4 place Guillaume Tell, Mulhouse, Haut-Rhin, Grand Est
  • Haut-Rhin
  • Grand Est

The Night of Mysteries Superstitions

Big(Great) hunting in treasures in the museums of the town(conglomeration) mulhousienne! An adventure to be lived in family or between friends to discover museums and to try to gain(win) a splendid jo
Saturday 19 May 2018, 14:00Passed
This event includes accessibility accommodations
Hearing impairmentVisual impairmentPsychic impairmentMotor impairment
Catherine Kohler / MMSA

The Night of Mysteries in Mulhouse takes place as part of The European Night of Museums. This international event gives opportunity(occasion) to the museums of Europe to make discover their collections otherwise(differently), in a play and original way.
From 2006, Mulhouse distanced itself by proposing an inescapable(major) become event: The Night of Mysteries. With this hunting in treasures approved by a large majority by public and medias, the mulhousienne town(conglomeration) attracts every year a significant number of curious, of enthusiasts, young and less young coming find on this occasion an idea of outing(exit), of discovery and of entertainment in family or between friends! So, Mulhouse is one of the cities the most dynamic for this Night of Museums and positions regularly at the head(top) of the catwalk in the classification(ranking) of attendance(company)!
Mysteries is created, One thinks of it the Night of, fabricated by the association Museums Mulhouse South Alsace. The latter(This last) has as objective to federate 11 museums which makes(composes) her up around events and around a common communication. His(Her,Its) Service(Department) of the Public proposes animations for every public in museums and hors-les-murs.
After roaring twenties, tales and legends, the cinema or the theme of journey, we make an appointment with you on May 19th, 2017 in the Museums of the mulhousienne town(conglomeration), for a 13th edition(publishing) on the theme of superstitions!
Who can participate?
Everybody, by team 1 - 4 people.
How to participate?
Buy a passport from 6 € (valid for 1 - 4 people) on sale from April 27th.
The passport includes(comprises) the supports(media) of game(set,play), limitless access to the different museums and to the transport.
*Quantité of passports limited, a single support(medium) of game(set,play) is distributed by passport that very day. Passports are of names and not transferable.
The list of retailers from April 27th till May 19th included(comprised) on www.nuitdesmysteres.fr
How to move?
[STOP_TRANSLATION]Le passeport permet d’utiliser de manière illimitée les transports publics de l’agglomération mulhousienne. Des navettes spéciales sont mises en place pour l’occasion.
Le réseau de Vélocité sera accessible gratuitement pour l’événement.

About the location

Musée des beaux-arts
4 place Guillaume Tell, Mulhouse, Haut-Rhin, Grand Est
  • Haut-Rhin
  • Grand Est
Beaux-Arts, Art contemporain, Musée de France