1 and 2 JunePassed
No extra charge at the entrance, duration of the walk about 1 hour, any public from 7 years. Meet under the dome 10 min before the start of the visit.
June 2024
Saturday 1
15:00 - 16:00
Sunday 2
15:00 - 16:00

Les Jardins de Brocéliande

les Mesnils, 35310 Bréal-sous-Montfort
  • Ille-et-Vilaine
  • Bretagne

Seasonal walk in the gardens of Brocéliande

Seasonal ride
1 and 2 JunePassed
No extra charge at the entrance, duration of the walk about 1 hour, any public from 7 years. Meet under the dome 10 min before the start of the visit.
©les Jardins de Brocéliande

In the company of our garden specialist, go off the usual paths and discover the many plant species that decorate the 24 hectares of the place: smell, touch, listen... The Brocéliande Gardens are the ideal place to awaken your 5 senses!

About the location

Les Jardins de Brocéliande
les Mesnils, 35310 Bréal-sous-Montfort
  • Ille-et-Vilaine
  • Bretagne
A place of leisure and sensory experiences, the Brocéliande Gardens are 24 hectares of greenery to frolic barefoot, close your eyes, listen, breathe and have fun! With family, friends, this natural space mixing discoveries, biodiversity and fun activities invites you to share simple and entertaining moments! Committed to sustainable development, Jardins de Brocéliande is a place of learning and support for people with disabilities managed by the ESAT transition APH le Pommeret.
Jardin remarquable, Tourisme et handicap, Jardin vivrier (potager, verger, jardins familiaux, jardin de simples...), Parc paysager (à l'anglaise), Jardin de création récente
The Brocéliande Gardens are located 15 minutes from Rennes and the lands of legends of Brocéliande. Access by the RN24/D62 axis Rennes-Lorient By bus from Rennes: Breizhgo Line 1b Saint-Thurial-Rennes stop «Parc d'activités»: a pedestrian path allows you to access the Gardens from the village of Bréal-sous-Montfort (about 20 minutes walk). On-site parking and motorhome area.
les Jardins de Brocéliande