Saturday 24 August, 20:00
Free - Ticketing on enm.lillemetropole.fr or at the reception
August 2024
Saturday 24
20:00 - 21:30
Accessible to the intellectually impaired
Accessible to the hearing impaired
Accessible to the visually impaired
Accessible to the psychic impaired
Accessible to the motor impaired
0 to 99 years old

Relais Nature du Parc de la Deûle

20 Chemin du Halage, 59211 Santes
  • Nord
  • Hauts-de-France

Night of the Bat

Follow the animators of the Relais Nature on the trails of the Gîte to discover the fascinating world of bats.
Saturday 24 August, 20:00
Free - Ticketing on enm.lillemetropole.fr or at the reception
Claire Poitout / MEL

**Follow the animators of the Relais Nature on the trails of the Gîte to discover the fascinating world of bats.**With more than 1,400 species in 18 families worldwide, the bat is the only flying mammal. A marvel of evolution over several tens of millions of years, she is able to fly with her hands, see with her ears and live a large part of her life upside down.
Symbol of fear and disgust for some, the bat does not always have a very good reputation. However, it is an excellent natural insecticide. Did you know that in one night, a bat can consume almost half its weight in various insects such as mosquitoes, moths and other species that can harm humans and their cultures? All this without poisoning the air, soil and water for several years, as chemical insecticides do. As part of this international operation, the animators of the Relais Nature invite you to venture on the paths of the Gîte, to meet this animal today threatened. The opportunity to discover the biology, lifestyle and protective actions put in place to preserve this flying night mammal. A reading aloud by the association Lire et faire lire on the theme of the Night will open the ball of this night outing.”
3 departures: 20h, 20h30 and 21h
Duration: 1h30 Good to know:
Number of places limited, only on registration. At the time of booking, please specify the age of the participants. Provide a flashlight for the return parking. Ticketing on enm.lillemetropole.fr or at the reception. Price: free
The site is accessible to people with disabilities. Please contact the team for more details about the accessibility of the shows/ animations.

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About the location

Relais Nature du Parc de la Deûle
20 Chemin du Halage, 59211 Santes
  • Nord
  • Hauts-de-France
Vincent Lecigne/MEL

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